A New Way Forward: Reimagining the Nonprofit Workplace Virtual Engagement Series - Co.act Detroit

A New Way Forward: Reimagining the Nonprofit Workplace Virtual Engagement Series

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Presented by: Council of Michigan Foundations, Michigan Nonprofit Association, Michigan Community Resources and Co.act Detroit This engaging and interactive multi-part series will provide guidance to Michigan’s nonprofits as they consider re-entry into the workplace. Sessions will be grounded in equity as we balance the exploration of legal, HR and financial requirements as well as ways to strengthen team culture, redefine the work space and realign to mission.


This new series begins with a conversation led by the CEOs of each hosting organization. These nonprofit leaders will delve into opportunities for transition in our sector, from how we once worked to how we can redefine the nonprofit workplace. Together they will discuss planning for the re-engagement of paid staff and volunteers, highlighting key considerations in people-first decision making grounded in equity. We are honored to welcome to this conversation Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who will help us kick off the series and discuss her Administration’s efforts around re-entry.


Recognizing many organizations are on the verge of physically returning to offices and work spaces, this session will also feature legal guidance to consider in developing a re-entry plan. Our presenter will provide an overview of Michigan Executive Orders that impact nonprofits returning to their workplaces and highlight sample plan templates.


This session will include ample time for Q&A.



  • Donna Murray-Brown, President and CEO, Michigan Nonprofit Association
  • Kyle Caldwell, President and CEO, Council of Michigan Foundations
  • Allandra Bulger, Executive Director, Co.act Detroit
  • Shamyle Dobbs, CEO, Michigan Community Resources
  • Courtney Kissel, Member, Dykema Gossett PLLC
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