Find Your Restorative Edge: Strategies to Safeguard Your Wellbeing - Co.act Detroit

Find Your Restorative Edge: Strategies to Safeguard Your Wellbeing

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

How can you keep your energy, happiness, creativity, and relationships fresh and thriving in the midst of never-ending family demands, career pressures, daily stress, and changes?

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, known for her 7 Types of Rest Framework™, will share ways to determine which types of restorative activities you need most and how to get more of each. This practical approach incorporates rest in the middle of your busy day without waiting for the next sabbatical or vacation. When you are equipped with a restorative edge strategy, you will experience improved energy levels throughout the day which helps sustain your creativity, mental clarity, and overall productivity.

Join us on October 15th to discover the power of setting healthy boundaries, adopting effective time management strategies, and embracing self-compassion to foster sustainable vitality in your personal and professional life. 

Contact Co.act’s Program Manager, Charnae Sanders at if you have any questions. If you are interested in attending this virtual session, please register below.

Register Here

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, speaker, and award-winning author. She is an international well-being thought leader featured in numerous media outlets including Prevention, MSNBC, Women’s Day, FOX, Fast Company, Psychology Today, INC, CNN Health, and She is the author of numerous books, and her bestseller Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, shares insight on the seven types of rest needed to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, overcome burnout, and live your best life. She is also the founder of Restorasis, a professional development agency dedicated to restoring wellbeing in the workplace through its proprietary 7 Types of Rest Framework™ to help companies support their employees with work-life integration and burnout prevention strategies. Over 250,000 people have discovered their personal rest deficits using her free assessment at

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