Payroll Tax Deferral Program and Employee Retention Tax Credit - Co.act Detroit

Payroll Tax Deferral Program and Employee Retention Tax Credit

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Didn’t apply or need the Paycheck Protection Program Loan? Join us for a webinar to discuss the Payroll Tax Deferral Program and the Employee Retention Tax Credit. This presentation will cover:

    • Employee Retention Credit and how employers could be reimbursed for 50% of qualified payroll costs
    • The maximum credit amount per employee
    • Deferring employer portion of payroll taxes until 2021 and 2022

Note: Neither program is available to organizations participating in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Both of these programs serve a wide variety of nonprofits small and large, including organizations with more than 500 employees.

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