Goal-Setting and Time Management for Nonprofit Professionals

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Update: This workshop has reached its capacity, so we are no longer taking new registrations. Check out other programs on our website that you can plug into. Thank you for your understanding.
Join us for a hands-on workshop covering time management strategies and how to best optimize your day through strategic goal setting and prioritization through a possibility thinking mindset. As we embark on a new decade, set smart goals to reach your full potential through new visualization tactics.
Led by mindfulness/wellness coach and meditation instructor Crystal Castle, this workshop will provide a customized plan for you to work smarter, getting time back in your day to focus in the things you really want to achieve.
Castle is a Mindfulness, Meditation & Self-Empowerment Coach. She has been certified by the American College of Healthcare Sciences as a Wellness Coach and certified by the Quantum Success Coaching Academy and the Robbins-Madanes Coaching Core 100 as a Life Coach. She has been credentialed by the Chopra Center as a Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor and passed the Mastery of Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program.
Castle is passionate about the world of mindfulness, meditation, health and fitness and is constantly pushing her boundaries to learn new and exciting ways of helping her clients to achieve their goals. Since discovering the benefits for herself in 2001, she has been helping overworked professionals to overcome their biggest obstacles since 2006 using mindfulness and meditation.
The workshop fee is $15 and lunch is included.
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